Fun in the Son!

Renewing mindsets, changing lives. One person at a time.

Anyone Missed the First Devotional Yet?

Come on now, thou shalt not lie.

But it’s ok. You shall be granted a grace period of… 1 day.

Oh, calling me a miser now are we? Don’t forget we’ve been talking about this for awhile already yes? So chop chop, get your daily reading done, won’t take more than a couple of minutes, promise. (Well, unless halfway through reading you decide to grab a snack, or take a nap or… never mind. Just read it.)

Righteo. Now on to yesterday’s devotional which was about living our lives as a shining, beaming testimony for our Father, so that the message of the gospel can be sung loud and clear for all to see.

Still confused? Well, in more plebeian terms, the crux is this: Study hard, be a good person, strive for excellence where ever you are because you are carrying the name of Christ. And when people look at you, they will see and know that our God is a good God! Amen?

And just because I am sadistic this way, let’s all commit the following verse to memory yes?

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” – Matt. 5:16

Can’t promise you a present if you do remember it, but I might just spring a random test sometime in the next cell… and remember that thing we mentioned about starting a dinner fund from fines? Uh-huh…

Alright! Go back to work you. But before I end off, remember that we’re going for “Image Matters” this Friday yes? I promise it’ll just be like cell, except, I’m not preaching (yay?), there will be about a gazillion others, and Ian won’t be laughed at for once (am I being too optimistic here?). Read the side bar for more details.

(A bit bummed that there’s no cell, shall we meet for a meal or something? Picnic? Saturday? Stay at home and study? Go wild with your suggestions in the comments box.)

(By the way, the tech noob in me tried embedding some tag-board thing at the side but it was an epic fail. Any expert in the house?)

Have a great week my little Son-shines! (Can I be any cornier? Gosh…)


Snip Snip.

(Sound of ribbon being cut)

Greetings and salutations my lovelies!

Finally, the long-awaited cell blog is here, to stay. Yay! *Throws confetti wildly around the room*.

Anyway, ahem. Maybe we should start with some introduction?

Right. I know a cell blog is hardly something to be excited about. But wait, there’s more! Earlier on in the semester, when I thought and prayed through God’s will for our cell, I felt that no matter how much preaching I can do, or however the number of times I try to convince you that God is God is a good God, it’ll all be futile, i.e. dishwater down the drain, if you, my dear, don’t take up YOUR fishing rod and learn to feed yourself and personally get to know this wonderful God as well.

Am I just a lazy leader in insisting you learn to take responsibility for your growth? (I see Ian furiously nodding his head in agreement… *picks up Shace’s flabby wacko stick and smacks Ian around*) Well, I certainly hope not! This blog will not take my place! So please still do listen hard during cell, whether it be word, worship or announcements.

But through this space, I (and probably StePHanie + Ian) will be sharing our thoughts about the devotions or other holy moly Christian stuff that don’t make it into our usual coversations. Is that ok with you? Oh, and but of course… the devotion! Which, incidentally starts… when does it start again Samantha?

Is that a “tomorrow” I hear? Yep, so come tomorrow, read the devotion posted here on the right of this column (from, think about it as you travel on the bus, walk to school etc. and pray through it. Any confusions can always be directed at the cell hot line that is my number.

So my dear people, let us make this cell happen. We are not a cell just because our names are under the same column on the list, we are a cell because hand-in-hand, hearts-to-hearts, we shall walk through this journey together. We are all in a race called life, and for but this short (only 1 semester!!) season, we have been purposefully placed together so that we can run together in this leg of the race, so that when one falls, the others will scramble to his/her side to offer support and love. Let’s give each other a chance, ok? Let’s walk together, learn together, pray together, have FUN in the SON together.

I am (and have been) excited already, I hope you are too. 🙂
